9 MORE Amazing Abraham Hicks Quotes Explained

Here are 9 MORE Amazing Abraham Hicks Quotes with explanations to get you into alignment!
1. "If you are able to image it, it is not unrealistic." - Abraham Hicks
✩ Anything you want is possible. Anything. The Universe will say "yes" to any single thing you want and will bring it to you. You are the only one in the way by doubting.


 2. "This piece of contrast you hate is the very thing you asked for on a vibrational level in order to bring clarity to you." - Abraham Hicks
✩ Every single thing happens for a reason. If you don't like it, have faith that you will soon understand why you went through what you did. It is all for a purpose - the greater purpose of pushing yourself to the next level.


3. "We want to convince you that you are worthy enough, that the mere thought that you would like something is enough to ensure the receiving of it." - Abraham Hicks
✩ There is nothing you cannot have. Why can someone have it but you can't? There is no reason. It is only reasons you make up that get in the way, as in, reasons that are not real to the Universe. You are worthy, and it will come. Just don't worry about the details - the Universe will take care of that part.
4. "When you focus on the good, the good gets better." - Abraham Hicks
✩ When you focus on the good, you feel good. When you feel good, you are a vibrational match to when your stuff comes. When you feel good, more and more good-feeling things will come until the next thing you know, that thing you have been manifesting for so long just appears.

5. "You do not have to go after anything. Everything you want is coming to you." - Abraham Hicks
✩ You have to relax and let the Universe take care of the details. You do not have to do anything except follow the path of feeling good. The path is: feel good, feel better, feel even better, wow it's here!
6. "When you think back, you disallow now." - Abraham Hicks
✩ Back is worse. Forward is better. Do not spend any time of now looking back to what was worse. You are wasting time that could be used looking forward to what is coming. When you look forward and feel excited, that is a vibrational match to what's coming. You do not want to look back and continue to be a vibrational match to the past.
7. "Alignment trumps everything. Stay off the subject that disturbs your alignment, and everything that you desire will come into alignment." - Abraham Hicks
✩ Focus on things that make you feel good and ignore the things that make you feel bad. Before you know it, those things that feel bad will disappear, or a solution will appear while you're feeling good. You just have to get off the topic that is making you feel bad. That is not where solutions come. That is not where manifestations come. It is only focusing there that is holding you back.
8. "If all you did was just look for things to appreciate, you would live a joyously spectacular life." - Abraham Hicks
✩ Appreciation is the exact vibration you will feel when your thing arrives. The more you appreciate what you have around, the better you feel now, and the better you feel now, the closer you are to what's coming.
9. "Let the fairies of the Universe figure out the details. Let them surprise and delight you." - Abraham Hicks
✩ The Universe is doing all the hard labor to get you your thing. All you have to do is trust them, be happy, and be excited for what they have in store for you. It is all the things you've asked for and imagined, but more and better than you imagined it.
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