9 Favorite Quotes To Get You Into Alignment NOW

1. "There is no reality other than the one you make up." - Abraham Hicks

✩ You can have anything you want. Your current life is evidence of your previous manifestations. If you don't like it, it means you have spent too much time talking about what you don't want instead of what you do want. To get to the reality that you want to get to, the one where you have everything, you have to talk about those things now and get excited for them now! And spend no more time talking about current or past realities. Make up the future one, and talk about it a lot.


2. "Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions." - Albert Einstein

✩ Use your imagination to see what is coming! Be excited! Be creative! There is nothing you can't have - you just have to imagine it first.


3. "Nothing is more important than feeling good. Practice that, and watch what happens." - Abraham Hicks

✩Feeling good is the vibration of when your stuff comes. You want to feel good as often as possible so that you are a vibrational match to your manifestations.


4. "Let your desire for pleasure and your desire for feeling good be your only guiding light." - Abraham Hicks

✩Nothing matters other than feeling good. It does not matter what kind of car you drive or how big your house is. Just find time to laugh and appreciate the things in between. Laugh with friends, go on a walk, make a delicious meal and be grateful for it. The more of that happy, good feeling vibration you can feel, the closer you are to things manifesting. The manifestations come to those who feel that positive vibration, not to those who who have a fancy car. They don't NOT come to those who have a fancy car, but if you have a fancy car, you still have to feel good in order for more manifestations to come :)


5. "The more you feel like you need to fix something, the more you need to not." - Abraham Hicks

✩ When you are in the middle of a problem, that is not the time to fix it. A solution will come to you when you are in a higher vibration. It is at that time that you can go back and fix the thing. Or, you might even forget about that thing that needs to be fixed and not ever go back to it again. So, don't fix anything, because the problem will either go away when you aren't thinking about it, or an easy solution will appear later. Not now, so focus on something else.


6. "I am the creator of my mood, therefore, I am the creator of my day." - Abraham Hicks

✩ People think they have no control over their life experience. But everything is vibration. If you allow yourself to be happy, good things will come to you, all day long. Have you ever heard how "bad things happen in 3's"? It's not because they actually happen in 3's. It's because after the first thing, your vibration is lower and attracting those 2 more negative things into your day. So, just be positive and happy despite the circumstances, and before you know it, everything will change. If you are the creator of your mood, then you are the creator of your day... then you are the creator of your LIFE!


7. "I can complain, or I can appreciate. I can find fault, or I can look for positive aspects. I can worry about something, or I can look forward to something. I can remember something that bothered me, or I can remember something that pleased me." - Abraham Hicks

✩Just think of the good stuff! It is always your choice. ALWAYS. There is no excuse to focus on the negative. Not only is there no excuse, it is only hurting you. You are spending time focused on something negative, which is the opposite vibration of when all your stuff comes.


8. "In any moment, you only have two choices: to feel better or to feel worse." - Abraham Hicks

✩ It seems so simple, but it is true. So many of us blame others for things going on. But truly, at the end of the day, it could have been the best day over - only because you kept choosing to feel better, all day long - not because any of the circumstances changed. It does you no good to feel worse or complain or think anything negative. That is all in opposition to your goal.


9. "Your life will deliver to you exactly what you are ready to hear exactly when you are ready to hear it." - Abraham Hicks

✩ So just be patient! It's all coming. You just have to relax and know that the Universe knows the right timing for the things you want. You thinking you know better only gets in the way.

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