9 Amazing Abraham Hicks Quotes Explained

Here are 9 AMAZING Abraham Hicks Quotes with explanations to get you into alignment! They will help you MANIFEST and find ease with where you are right now in order to allow everything you want to flow into your experience.


1. "The entire universe is conspiring to give you everything you want." - Abraham Hicks

There is nothing too big for the universe to handle. There is no reason someone can have what you want but you can't. You totally can and WILL. It is only your doubt in the way, and the ENTIRE UNIVERSE is on your side. It is just waiting for you to trust, believe, and be excited!


2. "Appreciation is the magic formula you have been seeking." - Abraham Hicks 

✩ When you feel appreciation, your vibration matches the vibration you have when you receive your manifestation because you are going to be so grateful the moment it arrives!! So feeling appreciation now, in advance, is a quick way to raise your vibration to match the vibration you have when your manifestation comes.


3. "Look for good things about where you are. In your state of appreciation, you lift all self-imposed limitations, and all limitations are self-imposed, and you free yourself for the receiving of wonderful things." - Abraham Hicks

✩ The vibration of appreciation removes any doubt you have. If you are just saying, "thank you," you are not also saying "I can't have this thing." So keep looking at just positive things and being appreciative so that you can keep your mind away from any doubts in the way.


4. "When you try to justify where you are by pointing out how bad things are, you are headed in the wrong direction." - Abraham Hicks

✩ Pointing out anything negative gets in the way. When you have the thing you have manifested, you are never talking about how bad things are - you are only talking about how good they are! So stop talking about anything bad, even if they come with a justification, so that you can get your vibration to match what's coming.


5. "The image of where you are going has to be more dominant than the image of where you are now." - Abraham Hicks

✩ Stop looking at right now. What you want is coming. It's "over there." Look "over there" as much as you can! Looking at right now only brings more of right now.

TIP: Use our MANIFESTING JOURNAL to help you start seeing that image!!!!


6. "Anytime you feel good, you have found vibrational alignment with who you are." - Abraham Hicks

✩ Your inner being is ready to give you anything you want at any moment. Who you really are just wants you to be happy, and if you decide it is an airplane that will make you happy, your inner being will give it to you tomorrow. The only thing that gets in your way is your doubt! Who you really are is excited for the surprises, not doubting them.


7. "Are there things in your life that are as you want them to be? Keep telling that story. Are there things in your life that are not as you want them to be? Do not tell that story." - Abraham Hicks

✩ Talk about the good as much as possible. Talk about what's coming as much as possible. Do not talk about reasons why the thing might not come. Just be excited.


8. "You are more productive doing fifteen minutes of visualization than sixteen hours of hard labor." - Abraham Hicks

✩ Visualization is key! If you struggle to meditate, use a journal to write about everything you want. Talk about what it's like to have them and feel that excitement as you write. That vibration is what draws the thing to you, not hard work. Our Manifesting Journal we told you about earlier will help you if you don't know where to start!


9. "When you feel good, you are in the place of attracting that which you are wanting." - Abraham Hicks

✩ You have to become a vibrational match to who you are when you receive the thing. The person who just received the thing feels very good and happy and grateful! So just keep feeling good, and you will get there.

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